Wilise Integral Transition House (WITH) is an expansion of the Engrafted Word Ministries, Inc. Youth and Family Programming that has served at-risk families and youth for over 25 years.  The organization, Engrafted Word Inc., is most known for feeding and clothing Portsmouth’s hungry and homeless citizens, distributing clothing to emergency victims, assisting ex-offenders from the Virginia Penal System with applications for employment, and mentoring Hampton Roads at- risk families.  Over 60,000 men, women, and children have been fed, clothed, mentored, socially and academically trained by the Engrafted Word Organization and its staff since 1991. Engrafted Word Ministries, Inc. (EWMI) has provided yearly Academic Tutoring, Social, and Technical Programs for 18,096 children (ages 7 to 17) within the last 10 years. These services were provided by our Skills Development Specialist (Staff) located in the (3) Academic Training Centers founded by Dr. Key. We established (2) Centers in Portsmouth and (1) in Virginia Beach, Virginia.  Included in these statistics are the 3,480 meals served to many youth during our 10 week Summer Camp programs located in the surrounding neighborhoods and communities in the City of Portsmouth. (Craddock, Deep Creek – Portsmouth, and Sea Tack – Virginia Beach)

The Engrafted Word Organization is a 501C3 tax-exempt organization founded in 1991 by the husband and wife team of Wilburt and Denise Key, natives of Portsmouth Virginia.  E.W.M.I. started with a 5 member board, 6 staff members, and a host of volunteers, financial sponsors, corporate partners, and community supporters. After assessing the many on going social and academic needs of both youth and families in the communities of Portsmouth, the Engrafted Word Organization concluded that Portsmouth families face a multitude of challenges.  Youth gang activity, substance abuse, high school drop out rates, teenage pregnancy, and unemployment rates that are higher than the Virginia average.  Engrafted Word then looked at the variety of unmet needs in Portsmouth and concluded that it could add the greatest value to the City by focusing more on the many needs of at-risk families as a whole. 

The Engrafted Word Organization is also instrumental in providing financial assistance to low and moderate income families in cases of emergency eviction, delinquent utility payments, counseling for families on preventing teenage pregnancy, conflict resolution and mediation intervention, and a host of other services designed to provide long term sustainability and strength in the lives of families throughout our communities.  Over the years, we have since recognized our knowledge, skills, and abilities, which has enabled us to take our organization to an expanded yet different level of operation.  In keeping with the academic and social needs of our children and their families, we will continue servicing these families by expanding our operation of services in the form of a family transitional  facility, that will accommodate individuals and families needing to stop by temporarily to receive emergency services while locating permanent means of sustainability. This house will also help meet the social and academic needs of these challenged and at risk youth and their families.



Wilise Integral Transition House (WITH) will be owned by husband Wilburt L. and Dr. Denise L. Key.  The home’s occupational space will consist of 3000 sq feet, located in the City of Portsmouth Virginia.  The home will serve as an emergency stop and training program transitional house for individuals and or families. Assistance for teenagers that have been suspended or expelled from Portsmouth Public Schools, Referrals from the Portsmouth Juvenile Domestic Court, Portsmouth Social Services Department/ Neglected and or Abused Children, and clients from independent families who qualify. Individuals will temporarily reside at or receive additional therapy at this facility.  WITH will also accept students between the ages of 14 to 18 years of age whose families wish to have them removed from their homes until they become either 18 years of age or emancipated by the Courts. We will accept NO student with sexual past, present, or pending offenses nor violent assaults crimes past, present, or pending. 

WITH will be an extended entity of Engrafted Word Incorporation.  It will fall under the 501 C3 non-profit organization.  While WTH will be supported by its own Corporate Sponsors, Business Partners, and Community Supporters, it will also have its own 24hr Staff, Board Members, and Volunteers.  WITH will be a proposed start up business with one owner and several Directors and Staff support.  WTH would like to open in the year of 2023.  Financial Supporters include Presidents and Partnerships with Major Corporations, Pastors of Mega Churches, Portsmouth’s Municipal Government, and Families of Clients throughout the City of Portsmouth.  

WITH is an expansion of the Engrafted Word Ministries, Inc. Youth and Family Programming that has served at- risk families and youth for over 25 years. The home will serve as an emergency stop and training program transitional house for individuals and or families, assistance for teenagers that have been suspended, expelled, neglected and/or Abused Children.



Academic Classes and Social Services provided will include but not be conclusive of:    

Emergency overnight shelter, clothing, feeding, and referrals for participants.

Life Skill Building Training Classes for Overcoming Tragedies

Continued Academic Tutoring and Social Life Skills Training for all who want and need.

Ongoing training for staff and volunteers who are a part of this program

Mentoring of all youth affiliated with our program (WTH)

Abstinence and Safety Involvement Based Training Classes

Business Incubation

GED Preparation Classes and the payment of students sitting for the exam

Computer Literacy and Technology Classes

Students Study Group

Nutrition Health and Food (Work Shop)

Family Counseling for all youth and their immediate family members, both group and individual sessions

AIDS/HIV Awareness

Enhancing Your Parenting Skills for Teenage Mothers

Food, Clothing, Lodging, Shelter
(Transitioning Period)

Social, Economic, Political, Education, and Mental Health Building for participants of WYH

Job Readiness Program